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Googleplex: The office dreams are made of

In the lead up to our CEO Ben Bradshaw’s trip to San Francisco to attend the Google Partners AllStars Summit later this month. We thought we’d take the time to have a look at Googleplex, Google’s Silicon Valley Headquarters; to admire the company’s amazing space which is designed to foster employees to thrive and engage within the company’s culture.

Googleplex is designed around the desire to get the best out of Google’s employees. Spread over 500, 000 square feet in the scenic Mountain View, Santa Clara County, California. Google have managed to incorporate virtually everything anyone would ever need to lead a happy and healthy life into their working environment.

Googleplex has bicycles (decked out in Google colours of course!) scattered around the complex so employees can ride in between the spread out offices, as a health conscience, green and practical solution to getting around. They have tech stops that are open 24 hours a day for IT related mishaps and four full-time, on-site physicians to look after both your technological and physical health concerns are addressed as quickly as possible. A free fleet of shuttle buses with free wifi transports employees to and from San Francisco to Mountain View each day. There are 17 cafeterias, as well as cafes and restaurants that serve up to three healthy gourmet meals a day for free, there is onsite childcare, laundry services, massage rooms, meditation rooms, gyms, and they even allow employees to bring their pets to work, all to alleviate stress. Finally they have multiple games rooms, organic gardens and a variety of areas for employees to lounge around and sleep in during any downtime they may have. There is a reason that Google is consistently named one of the best employers in the world! We can’t wait to see it for ourselves!

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