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The Making of the Famous Christmas Advert

Video Content Just Got Better

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. Yes, the Holiday season is well and truly with us and one of my favourite past times has been watching (and re-watching) all of the Christmas adverts released by big brands around the world.  My eager anticipation for the commercials, which are traditionally launched on television, has taken a bit of a twist in recent years, and my insatiable desire to marathon-watch all of my favourite Christmas TVCs is now even easier to quench thanks to mobile.

Of course big production Christmas adverts are nothing new to our modern society, but traditionally we have had to wait until prime time television commercial breaks to view them. This year, big brands are releasing them straight onto online media platforms such as dedicated YouTube channels and social media channels, and they’re betting on us to watch, re-watch, share and create online chatter to the level of #trending status. With online platforms all now optimised for mobile viewing, neither do we have to wait to be sitting in front of our laptops or PCs; we have them neatly tucked away in our bags and pockets on our mobile phones.

The move in recent years isn’t just for our viewing pleasure; marketers have greater reach to potential customers through mobile, and the ability to collect data, track and make smarter decisions informed by these statistics means better targeted campaigns. The opportunity for brands to cleverly immerse their branding attempts into customers’ digital realms has never been greater, and brands which are achieving this are being favoured by consumers. Mobile is the future of digital advertising and marketing; if brands can continue to produce bright and inventive creative content for mobile, the move to a mobile marketing will become easier for all.

Here I have collated some great Christmas adverts which have been released so far this year; two from overseas and two from Australia – which one is your favourite?

John Lewis Christmas Advert 2015 – #ManOnTheMoon

Sainsbury’s Christmas Advert 2015 – Mog’s Christmas Calamity

Myer Christmas Advert 2015 – Find Christmas at Myer 

David Jones Christmas Advert 2015 – Discover Christmas at David Jones 

If you are interested in leveraging mobile marketing for your business, learn how you can do so efficiently and effectively with SponsoredLinX today and call us on 1300 859 600.

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